At The Centre, we host a wide variety of fitness classes to keep you healthy and fit all year round. From Yoga and Pilates, to solo Latin and Ballroom fitness and
Fit Steps.
with Clubercise we also offer a Dancing in the dark class with glowsticks.
For something more gentle we offer a MOVE IT OR LOSE IT , a seated / standing fun gentle exercise class.
So, why not come on down to The Centre and bring a friend along; our classes are always lots of fun!

We hold numerous dance classes to suit all ages at The Centre. We have Dance Classes, offering modern dance, hip hop and ballet , Rhythm Express Performing Arts school as well as fit steps , Line Dancing just to name a few!
The centre also holds Theatre Groups
ACT 1 and the Guild of players as well as junior classes in theatre and dance.
For Act 1 please contact :
For RHYTHM EXPRESS dance class timetable, please see their facebook page
and message message them directly.

Regular Classes
INDOOR BOWLING short mat .... 9.00am- 12noon - Main Hall
LINE DANCING ...with Line Rangers 2.00pm - 3.00pm - 3.00pm-4pm - Main Hall (07751997420 )
CLUBBERCISE ... dancing in the dark with Glow Sticks 7pm -8pm Main Hall (07931104371)
RHYTHM EXPRESS Performing Arts .. For class information contact ( 07931104371)
Studio 3 upstairs
PILATES .. for all abilities 5.30pm -6.30pm _ Studio 3 upstairs ( 07810115087 )
YOGA/PILATES for all abilities 10.00am - 11.00am _- Main Hall ( 07810115087 )
LEAD AND FOLLOW, Solo Latin and Ball Room fitness , 11.30am -12.30pm - Main hall (07771515835)
RHYTHM EXPRESS Performing Arts ..For class information contact (07931104371) Studio 3 upstairs
BIRCHINGTON ACTIVE RETIREMENT , Table Tennis and snooker , 9.30am - 11.30am - Main Hall
(01843 841469 )
RHYTHM EXPRESS Performing Arts ...For class information contact (07931104371)- Studio 3 , Upstairs
QUIGLEY THEATRE ARTS .... contact Dance School for class information - Studio 4, upstairs
INDOOR BOWLING .. short mat 9.30am - 12.00 noon - Main Hall
FIT STEPS Ballroom fitness class 1.00pm - 2.00pm Studio 3 , Upstairs (07900685632)
MOVE IT OR LOSE IT seated chair / gentle exercise classes 1.30pm - 2.30pm - Main Hall (07793047771)
table tennis / snooker/ bowling / darts and much more 9.00am - 11.30am - Main Hall (01843 841469 )
LINE DANCING ... with the Line Rangers , 2.00pm - 3.00pm - Main Hall (07751997420 )
BINGO 1.30pm - 3.00pm - Bar lounge just turn up
PILATES .. 6.00pm - 7.00pm _ Studio 3 upstairs by appointment only (07913349225)
RHYTHM EXPRESS Performing Arts ...For class information contact (07931104371)- Studio 3 , Upstairs
​ Ballet and Tap classes
ACT 1 theatre group 10am -1.00pm Studio 3, upstairs.. Contact...
​ for more information
Find out more
To find out more about all of our classes held here at The Centre , please email us at,
office hours 9am -12.00 noon Mon-Fri